Hello. There’s not much to this post. Just here to point out that Form & Formlessness is now the Silent Motorist Media Substack. A lot will remain the same—this will still be a space for my own thoughts, book reviews, occasional poems, and early drafts of fiction. I have essentially given up on trying to separate my own creative endeavors from SMM’s occasional projects. There are three reasons for this: First, there is simply not enough time to act as both the creative and promotional energy behind more than one media entity. Second, I am planning on using SMM to publish certain small projects of my own in the future, so I see no reason to strictly separating my own writing from SMM any longer. Finally, as I bounce from one project to another, I no longer want to leave one half of my readers with nothing while I follow one impulse or another. All and all, this is simply easier for me.
The biggest change is that there is now an option for paid subscriptions. A majority of my more casual posts will remain free. Paid subscribers will be able to read more substantial posts, such as full-length short stories and chapters of my novel in progress.
For the past several weeks, I have begun a daily writing routine, and it has proven quite fruitful. The first story from these efforts will be available within days on the Silent Motorist Media Patreon and for paid subscribers here. The story is around 5,500 words and is titled “The Wishing Room.” The first draft of another story is finished, a third is underway, and a substantially expanded version of “The Imaginary Childhood of James Ensor” is nearing completion as well. There should be plenty to come.
Thank you all for your support. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys the change!
May you prosper with the change, Justin!